Sunday, August 31, 2008


As in any story my story also has to have a prolougue and this is wat it is:

I had just finished chethan bagath's second lame book THE ONE NIGHT @ A CALL CENTRE,and i was cursing myself for spending nearly 10 hrs of my precious weekend when my dear friend PAUL called me.I took it very reluctantly(i wudnt have taken it at all if my mom was not in such a rage with her red eyes maliciciosly stabbing me metaphorically for breaking the golden rule,DONT DISTURB while i sleep).He was estatic,"alis dis u hear abt the BLOG man the BLOG that is the hot topic in india, just saw her blog man,its cool,i was thinking we can also do sumthing like tht u know,be true with our day 2 day lives and all""wat the fuck man,u woke me up for this crap,i really didnt sleep yesterday with all the bullshit frm this book u gave me,and here u are raving abt some god forsaken blog",i hung up and went to the one plce more beautiful thn paris,MY BED

Today is the 31st sunday 2008 august ,14 days after paul gave tht irritating call,and here i am in front of a pc,my pc,typing these words on the keyboard blogging for the first time.My mom always says tht if sumthings is destined to be urs u dont have to wander in search of it time will bring u to it and here i am deleting and typing intrested in this dialougue box the prolougue of a possible best seller

do read on