Wednesday, December 30, 2009

AVATAR, a true insight into the present and future

Just came back after seeing AVATAR, the new hot topic in the movie world, a special blend of technology that actually satisfied the critics, which is really rare For those readers who feel that this is a review about the movie, please don't go any further. I mean I am not a critic; I am just an ordinary fellow who has the biggest passion for Cinema and the magic happening inside.

I am an Indian, a Malayali to be precise (another way to say that I am from Kerala, Gods own country or as National Geographic puts it The Land of Coconut and Lagoons). Here a 3d film is something a bit rare and people would definitely rush to the Cinema just because its 3D. To those Grand Parents coming with their grandsons hoping to see sparks or spears thrown straight at you, or ice creams being offered so close to your eyes you actually blink for the first time in front of an ordinary Ice-cream, please please and please raised to the power infinity, stay off the Cinema, because this is not the movie for you.This is serious stuff, and has to be appreciated on that level. This is not a 3D movie where the script is done for one, rather this is a script which can only be defined in 3D.If we have to understand or realize what we have done with our world, we have to see what we destroyed and Pandora is exactly what earth was, and is exactly what it will never be. And to appreciate the beauty of what we missed the movie has to be in 3D(as if to say, shame on You!!)

For me, the movie really satisfied my senses, and seriously I am not a big fan of overrated visual magic, the script warranted each and every one of the effects the movie showcases. As a matter of fact this movie is a huge relief in an array of apocalyptic movies with all the destructions and hell loads of running and flying and with the movie closing with the hero's family or his friends as the last survivors. Gosh I really hate those movies

James Horner,the genius as he is, has done some amazing work with the moods in this film, the music is truly original and spell binding and has blended along with the movie. No wonder he has got two nominations for the film in the Golden Globes and I will eat my Hat if he doesn't win them both.

The cinematography and editing is innovative and brilliant. The word exceptional is so soft a word when we use it for a new miracle in film making. Hats off to all the techy nerdy geniuses who pushed the wall to a new dimension.

The actors did justice to the script, and the two who really stick out, are Zoe Saldana who plays the beautiful Neytiri and Stephen Lang who plays Colonel Miles Quaritch the ruthless, unstoppable Colonel, who gives a rat's fart about Diplomatic Solution. Both of them, let’s just say brilliant presentation people, beautiful work. Sam wothington(Jake Sully) and Sigourney Weaver(Dr. Grace Augustine) have done justice to their parts and no wonder this is a great school of actors, and I am definitely waiting for the sequel.

The Na'vi language was created by linguist Paul Frommer, who was hired by James Cameron to construct a language that was easily pronounceable by the actors, but lacking any resemblance or influence from any single human language. Considering the Middle Earth Saga of J.R.R.Tolkien this would have been a walk in the park(cant help it, great fan of J.R.R's work). But all together this is wonderful movie and a great watch.

My prediction: The movie will bag 7 academy awards(or may be 8 hoping Zoe Saldana will be considered) .

As for the plot of the movie, people please don’t be so Lazy, hop on your car or bike whatever it is that you people use and rush to the nearest Cinema, cos this blog is not about movie plots or ratings.This space is where I conclude, saying something that is straight from my heart.

The reason why I like Avatar is not because this is a Visual treat but because there is a greater truth that the movie project in all its 3-Dimensions. The Na'vis are a group of people who really understood the true meaning of Co-existing with nature, that same word which lost its hope after the Copenhagen Summit. The movie shows Colonel Miles Quaritch leading a party of marines destroying the beauty of the land exploiting the resources. Sounds so familiar, isn’t? Think!! All the while when we were booing the colonel, who did we actually hate. Colonel Miles Quaritchis is just a representation of Man's hunger for more,and the price of his deeds when he upsets the balance of nature. The deity Eywa is similar to Gaia the spirit of earth or let’s say mother Earth herself and the Colonel’s attempt to take out the tree of Eyra is symbollic to our attempt to exploit the last juice from this planet.Pandora as in the Pandora's Box represents the Nature we have lost, because of our indulgence and curiousity and we are still waiting for someone to close the lid so that we can save something for the future.

All I am suggesting here is the Na'vi stood against the powerful men in their fight for Pandorra, then why can’t we? Think!!!!!!!! One man cannot do everything but he can do something and act quickly for we may not have enough time. Let me sign off with a quote from the movie. Dr. Grace Augustine ‘s last words:

"I can see her(eywa),she is real"